
Celina Portella

In her current exhibition "Dobras," Celina Portella shows her new series of photo-objects. In it, images of body parts are folded and transformed into sculptures that interact with the architecture and provoke the perception of the viewer, almost as if in a game.

Por: Zipper Galeria

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Artworks of this Artist

One hand washes the other/3, from the series Puxa

Celina Portella

On Request

No (Series Folds)

Celina Portella

R$ 20.000,00

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Artsoul Comunicação Digital LTDA | CNPJ: 29.752.781/0001-52

Escritório: Rua Quatá, 845 - Sala 2, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, SP, 04546-044