
Silvio Dworecki

Silvio Dworecki was born and works in São Paulo. At the beginning of his career in the visual arts he participates in the IX Bienal of São Paulo in the same room as Nelson Leirner and Tereza Nazar. Before that he won the Painting Award at the 1st Contemporary Art Salon of Campinas. There followed individual exhibitions at the Museum of Art of São Paulo, Pinacoteca do Estado and the historic Paulo Figueiredo Galeria de Arte, among others. He graduated as an architect from FAU USP, where he taught and became Master, Doctor and Professor. He published "Camadas de Tempo-30 anos nas Artes Plásticas" with a critical text by Agnaldo Farias and "Em busca do traço perdido" with the method he created for the teaching of visual arts.

Por: Galeria Gravura Brasileira

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Artworks of this Artist

Diaphanes 17

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Heng #06

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Heng #05

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Heng #04

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Heng #03

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Heng #02

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Heng #01

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Diaphanes 17 #03

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Diaphanes 17 #02

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Diaphanes 17 #01

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Diaphanes 9 #03

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Diaphanes 9 #02

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Diaphanes 9 #01

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Diaphanes 7 #03

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Diaphanes 7 #02

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

Diaphanes 7 #01

Silvio Dworecki

R$ 2.500,00

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