Unfolding 02, Series Dates
R$ 12.000,00
Technical Data Sheet
Year: 2017
Mixed Technique
60 cm 47 cm
the artist highlights "It is a work that I have been producing periodically since 2016. They are pigmented silk papers, on which I fold and leave exposed to light in the studio window. After suffering the interference of light for long periods of time, often a year, I remove them from the window and store them in a light-free environment. The drawings that appear on the papers are the result of the different ways in which they were folded, of the time and the amount of light that fell on the papers. The works are named according to the period they were exposed to light. I think of this series as a photographic work: light and time on paper. I see it as a photograph in expanded time, determined by the geometry of the folds and the amount of light. It is not a record of a photographic moment, but of a long period. I like to think that they store in themselves the light of that time; a containment of time stored in light."
tissue paper folded and left in the sun
60 x 47 cm (74.5 x 62.5 x 4 cm with frame)