
Adriana Brzezinska


2002/03 Specialisation with access to PhD in History - Universidade Portucalense Infante Dom Henrique (currently Universidade do Porto)

2002/03 Pedagogical Complementation Didactics, Teaching Practice, Methodology of Arts Teaching and Supervised Internship in Arts - UFPR

2001/02 Specialization in Modern and Contemporary Art History - EMBAP- Curitiba

1995/98 Bachelor's Degree in Painting - School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná


2017 Artistic Cultural Residency - Mokiti Okada Foundation - Sacred Ground of Guarapiranga - São Paulo

2003 Lithograph -Everly Giller - Solar do Barão

2002 Art and Aesthetic Experience - Prof. Dra. Maria José Justino - Solar do Rosário

2002 New Curatorships - Helmut Batista - UFPR

2000 Ceramics - Alice Yamamura - Alfredo Andersen Museum

1999 The Human Greatness: Five Giants of Art - Fayga Ostrower - APAP

1998 The Permanence of Painting in the Post-Modern - Prof. Dr. Luiz Sérgio de Oliveira

1998/99 Photography - Prof. Ms. Roberto Pitella - School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná

1997 Aspects of Contemporary Art - Prof. Dr. Luciano Vinhosa - UFPR

1996 Drawing in Large Dimensions - Ligia Borba - UFPR

1996 Xylography - Rubem Grilo - Solar do Barão

1996 Fundamentals of Photography - Miguel Chicaoka - Preparation of the Biennial of Photography of Curitiba

1995 A History of Contemporary Painting - Geraldo Leão - Guido Viaro Museum


2017/18 Alumiar - Mokiti Okada Cultural Space of Curitiba

2017 Alumiar - Alfredo Andersen Museum - Curitiba

2011 Porosity - House of Culture - Castro

2010 Olaria - Alfredo Andersen Museum - Curitiba

2007 Liquid and Solid Bodies - Galeria Zilda Fraletti - Curitiba

2007 Before the Movement - Espaço Cultural BRDE - Curitiba

2005 Proximity, Neighbourhood - Exhibition Centre of the Midwest University - Guarapuava

2004 Proximity, Neighbourhood - Andrade Muricy House

2003 Mediations - Curitiba's Memorial - Curitiba


2010 Commemorative Exhibition of 50 years Alfredo Andersen Museum

2005 Female Universe - Alfredo Andersen Museum

2004 Imagine Project - Colônia Faria

2004 Noise of Matter - Art Museum of Joinville

2004 Retrospective - Curitibano Club Pinacoteca

2004 60th Salon of Parana - Museum of Contemporary Art of Paraná

2003 4° Salão Graciosa of Arts - Graciosa Country Club

2003 Painting in Three Times Adriana Brzezinski, Fernando Vellozo and Masé Mendes Pinacoteca do Clube Curitibano

2002 Adriana Brzezinski and Georgiana Vidal - Gambiarra Espaço Cultural - Curitiba

2000 Panela - Garatuja Espaço para Arte - Curitiba

2000 Salão de Artes Plásticas de Campo Mourão- Municipal Theatre

2000 Salão de Artes do Iguaçu, Casa de Cultura de Foz do Iguaçu
1999 Casina Project, occupation of MAC PR and INFRAERO exhibition space in São José dos Pinhais.
1999 10th Goioerê Arts Exhibition - Casa da Cultura de Goioerê
1999 Fine Arts Salon of Paranaguá-Casa de Cultura Monsenhor Celso
1999 Adriana Brzezinski, Paulo Carapunarlo and Solange Bochnia -Palácio Iguaçu - Curitiba
1998 Itinerant Exhibitions in several cities in the interior of Paraná
1998 Cultural Exhibition of the Military College of Curitiba
1998 Exhibition Palacete dos Leão, 13 to 22 November 1998
1998 Exhibition XXXXX- Sala Leonor Boteri,
1997 13th Banestado Salon of Unpublished Artists- Banestado Gallery
1997 Phillips Award for New Talents- MASP - São Paulo
1997 Adriana Brzezinski and Eliane Frareso - CCBEU
1997 XX CEFET-PR Art Salon, CEFET
1997 Belasartian Week- Sala Leonor Boteri


Selected for the Program "Visita a Ateliês" by the critic Rodrigo Moura, Oito Semanas de Arte,2003.

Trip to Paris Prize at the IV Salon Graciosa de Artes, 2003.

Secretary of Culture Prize at the Campo Mourão Art Salon, 2000.

Honourable Mention at the Salão de Artes do Iguaçu, 2000.

State Government Award, at the Salon of Arts of Paranaguá, House of Culture Monsenhor Celso, 1999.

Phillips Award for New Talents, MASP, 1997.


The Brazil United States Cultural Center, Curitiba
The Phillips do Brasil Collection, (currently at the Memorial da América Latina) São Paulo
The collection of the Secretariat of Culture of Paraná, Campo Mourão
The Monsenhor Celso House of Culture collection, Paranaguá
Graciosa Country Club, Curitiba
Collection of TAM Airlines
Collection of Gasparini SA, Milan
Collection of the Vita Batel Hospital in Curitiba
Collection of the Art Museum of Paraná
Mokiti Okada Foundation of Curitiba


BRZEZINSKA, Adriana.(2002) A Escola do Ar- texto sobre a humanização pela arte. Curitiba: Edited in House.


ARAÚJO, Adalice.(2006) Dicionário das Artes Plásticas no Paraná. Curitiba: Edition

Por: Galeria Zilda Fraletti

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