Artsoul offers one of the largest digital catalogues of contemporary art in the country! Through
partnerships with galleries and independent artists, we gather artworks from various universes, offering the
possibility to fine-tune your choice in an easy and assertive way!
Encontramos um total de 8
obras de arte para você!
Luciana Kater
R$ 11.000,00
Transe Iluminado
Eneida Sanches
R$ 9.200,00
Transe, Deslocamento de dimensões
Eneida Sanches
On Request
Da série “ O descanso”
Eneida Sanches
On Request
Sem Título da série Transe, Deslocamento de Dimensões
Eneida Sanches
On Request
CLN204, série colônia
Caio Marcolini
On Request
CPTD03, série capturados
Caio Marcolini
On Request
HYB193, série híbridos
Caio Marcolini
On Request
Find your ideal work of art! When choosing your artwork think about the environment where it will be installed, take into
take into consideration the measurements in proportion to the walls or space in the case of a sculpture. Colours and techniques also
Colours and techniques are also important when composing a balanced environment and valuing your work even more. Often artworks of the same
often result in a beautiful composition. Our curators are at your disposal to help you
to help you choose the ideal work of art, preparing a selection tailored to your needs and free of charge.
Qual a forma que gostaria de assinar nosso conteúdo?
Artsoul Comunicação Digital LTDA | CNPJ: 29.752.781/0001-52
Escritório: Rua Quatá, 845 - Sala 2, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, SP, 04546-044
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