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Exhibition "Regina Silveira: Other Paradoxes

Exhibition "Regina Silveira: Other Paradoxes


  • Nome: Exposição "Regina Silveira: Outros Paradoxos"
  • Abertura: 28 de agosto 2021
  • Visitação: até 03 de julho 2022


  • Venue: MAC USP - Avenida Pedro Álvares Cabral, 1301 - Ibirapuera
  • Online Event: No


This retrospective brings together about 180 works by Regina Silveira, one of the most important Brazilian artists of her generation, internationally recognised for her trajectory as an artist, researcher and teacher.


In 2019, the Museum of Contemporary Art at USP received the donation of 42 works by Regina Silveira, in partnership with Luciana Brito Galeria, complementing the significant set of works by the artist that the Museum already had in its collection. To mark this important donation, the Museum presents from August 28th the exhibition Regina Silveira: Other Paradoxes. According to the curators Ana Magalhães and Helouise Costa, the exhibition's title refers to the Saint's Paradox, a work incorporated to the Museum's collection in 1994, but also, and mainly, to "the restlessness characteristic of the artist's questioning attitude towards life and art". Among the 180 works presented are engravings produced in the 1960s, experiments with appropriations and images and video art from the 1970s, proposals for urban interventions and some of her more recent installations.


One of the greatest Brazilian artists of her generation, Regina Silveira (1939, Porto Alegre, RS) holds a Master's and Doctorate in Art from ECA - USP, where she also taught. An exponent of conceptual art and experimentation with languages and media, her trajectory is intertwined with the history of the MAC USP. Since the 1960s she has held solo exhibitions and participated in selected collective exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. He has participated in the 16th, 17th and 24th Bienais de São Paulo (1981, 1983, 1998) and numerous other major exhibitions, such as: Bienal de Curitiba (SC, 2013 and 2015); Bienal do Mercosul (Porto Alegre, RS, 2001 and 2011); Bienal de La Habana (Cuba, 1986, 1998 and 2015); 6th Taipei Biennial (Taiwan, 2006); 2nd Setouchi Triennale (Japan, 2016) and 1st Sur Biennial (Argentina, 2017).


The exhibition draws attention to certain aspects of Regina Silveira's production, such as the marked political dimension in her work. "Her way of problematising the reality around her does not involve dealing with explicitly political issues or using pamphlet images. She works between the lines, in apparently banal aspects, but revealing social tensions and contradictions," point out the curators. The gender issue also deserves attention, since Regina Silveira has been able to break through the barriers of artistic recognition that usually privilege male artists of her generation. The curators emphasize that "by producing large-scale works destined for the public space, she gives visibility to the female presence in art through her ability to project and mobilize the art circuit, in Brazil and abroad, for the execution of her proposals".


The retrospective also allows us to see how Regina Silveira has updated techniques and materials throughout her career, from experimentation with the use of new media in the 1970s to recent digital processes. In addition, the exhibition presents sketches of the projects, studies of some works, models, showcases with documents and informative videos.


This retrospective is part of the expansion network of the 34th São Paulo Biennial, a partnership between MAC USP and the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, and reinaugurates the museum's exhibition annex that underwent a refurbishment to readjust its floor in 2018-2019. Ideal for site-specific projects, installations and large-scale works, the space is geared towards artistic experimentation. Re-opening it with Regina Silveira is to reaffirm this character, proper of a public university museum. The artist also participates in the 34th São Paulo Biennial, which can be visited free of charge at the Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion, in Ibirapuera Park, from September 4 to December 5, 2021.


Regina Silveira: Other Paradoxes 


From 28 August 2021 to 3 July 2022

Curator Ana Magalhães and Helouise Costa


Avenida Pedro Álvares Cabral, 1301 - Ibirapuera

Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 7pm (appointment required)

11 2648.0254

Free entry

For free scheduling -


Artsoul Comunicação Digital LTDA | CNPJ: 29.752.781/0001-52

Escritório: Rua Quatá, 845 - Sala 2, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, SP, 04546-044