
Conheça nossas peças de design




  • Abertura: 13 de novembro 2021
  • Visitação: até 15 de janeiro 2022


  • Venue: BOLSA DE ARTE Rua Mourato Coelho, 790 | Vila Madalena | São Paulo | SP
  • Online Event: No


Between an enunciation and everything that is silenced, there is a vast vocabulary that does not find an environment to rise up as a voice: they are manifestations that are reduced to muttering or annulled in a pure vacuum. Whether by external repression or self-censorship, every crystalline expression reverberates in a pendulum movement, sometimes approaching unrestricted freedom, sometimes pointing to silencing. The exhibition A Resounding Shout is structured on the basis of the energy concentrated in both silence and the most untimely manifestation of speech: namely, screaming. Equally symbolic, containment and explosion offer images that surpass pure illustration: how to give form to the scream? Roberto Pontual, living under the constraints imposed by social reality in Brazil at the end of the 1960s, laments the alternatives that presented themselves to artists: they had to manipulate metaphors, run off at a tangent or shelter in silence. To escape the invisible hand that muffles the scream, they create abstractions and ellipses, provisos and metonyms. It is discursive strategies like these - and so many others - that circumvent any force that oppresses or mutes, ripping out gags and guaranteeing voice. Safeguards of this order multiply throughout the exhibition, bringing together works produced over a long period of time - from the 1970s to 2021 - and which definitely do not adhere to the label of art-politics. From the tormented and solitary faces of Gretta Sarfaty to the festive collectivity in Carlos Vergara; from the reiterated presence of the bars to the sound that surrounds the prison. Rubbish! - those in charge of order would say in order to contain any noisy racket that compromises the p-a-c-i--f-i-c-o-s air. Whether by the tenor of their words or the brilliance of their images, the "good men" vehemently defend: all tumults will be punished, in a clear effort to curb the timbres that swell the protests, the theatre scripts filled with metaphors, or even the (horribly) libertine agglomerations of a ritualistic and carnal carnival. What is really powerful is the instant that separates the deep aspiration from a forceful shout.

Henrique Menezes


Curator: Henrique Menezes
Artists: Carlos Vergara, Cezar Sperinde, Daniel Lannes, Felippe Moraes, Gretta Sarfaty, Jordi Burch, Julha Franz, Leandro Machado, Nelson Leirner, Rafael Pagatini, Raquel Magalhães, Regina José Galindo, Regina Silveira, Saint Clair Cemin, Tom Fecht, Vitória Macedo



Bolsa de Arte Galeria
Exhibition "Um brado retumbante"
November 13, 2021 to January 15, 2022
São Paulo: Rua Mourato Coelho, 790 | Vila Madalena | Zip Code 05417-001 | São Paulo | SP | Brazil


Artsoul Comunicação Digital LTDA | CNPJ: 29.752.781/0001-52

Escritório: Rua Quatá, 845 - Sala 2, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, SP, 04546-044