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Anna Paes 1

Anna Paes (São Paulo, Brazil 1979), graduated in Visual Arts at Escola Panamericana de Arte e Design-SP (2008) and in Social Sciences at PUC-SP (2002). She was scholarship holder of the Socio-Environmental Institute - SP by FUNDAP with the project Indigenous Education Alto Rio Negro - Amazonia (2001-2003) and of the Foundation Museum of Technology of São Paulo with the monitoring of art projects (1999). With a research that investigates landscape, geology and sedimentation, the production of the artist's work has as references, visual metaphors of patterns and geometric codes found in nature and it is through the perception of this, in micro and macro scale that the artist creates drawings, paintings, installations, site-specific and photographs.

His exhibitions include: Anatomy of a Coexistence at Rabieh Gallery (2019), On the First Day, on the Ninth Floor at Lamb Arts Gallery (2019), Reflux at the independent space VAO (2018), Vitrine Project at São Bento station of Metro SP (2015 / 2016), 11th and 15th Jataí Salon at MAC-GO (2012 and 2016), SAC 47 at Pinacoteca Municipal de Piracicaba (2015), Arte Londrina 1 and 3 at Casa de Cultura UEL (2013 and 2015), Metáforas Visuais at Museu Horto Florestal-SP (2012) and I Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporânea de Chapingo-México in (2008). She has participated in artistic residencies such as: Artfarmproject (Fazenda Sto Antonio, Amparo, 2019), Caseiro (Itatiaia National Park, 2019), Kaaysá (Boiçucanga Beach, 2019 and 2018) and Joya:AiR (Parque Natural Sierra de Maria Los Vèlez - Spain, 2017). She was awarded at the 15th Jataí Salon, MAC-GO (2016). From 2016 to 2020 she participated in the project monitoring group at Hermes Artes Visuais. Currently participates in the study group with Nancy Betts and Marcio Harum.

Por: Anna Paes

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Artworks of this Artist

Sem título, série Las piedras de la vida

Anna Paes

R$ 4.500,00

Horizontes III série Terra - Rara

Anna Paes

R$ 4.500,00

Latossolos, série Terra - Raras

Anna Paes

R$ 4.500,00

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Artsoul Comunicação Digital LTDA | CNPJ: 29.752.781/0001-52

Escritório: Rua Quatá, 845 - Sala 2, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, SP, 04546-044