
Arlete Santarosa

Arlete is a gaucho printmaker, born in 1945 in Bento Gonçalves, RS.She lives and works in Porto Alegre. She studied between 1970 and 1994 at the Atelier Livre of the Porto Alegre City Hall. A very active artist in her community, she directed several times the Núcleo de Gravura do RS. She was part of the Culture Council of the State of RS for 4 years from 2004 to 2007. She has many works scattered throughout Brazil and abroad. Her last exhibition was in 2018 at MARGS , Porto Alegre.

Por: Galeria Tina Zappoli

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Artworks of this Artist

Arlete Santarosa - xilogravura em cores

Arlete Santarosa

R$ 1.250,00

Arlete Santarosa - xilogravura em cores

Arlete Santarosa

R$ 1.050,00

Arlete Santarosa - xilogravura em cores

Arlete Santarosa

R$ 1.250,00

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