
Camila Elis


1995, Dois Irmãos/RS.

Master's student in Visual Arts at ECA/USP. Bachelor in Visual Arts by the Institute of Arts (UFRGS / 2018), She studied painting at UAL (University of the Arts London). Through painting the artist thinks systems of interaction between objects, people, environments and abstract sensations. She seeks to instigate ways of relating aesthetically with images, expanding the notions of perception, experience and space. Thus, he intends to motivate new forms of collectivity and interaction in painting, exploring the ambiguities that constitute human subjectivity and its relationship with others. Lives and works between Porto Alegre and São Paulo.

"Starting from references as striking as they are diverse, the artist explores in the abstract paintings and drawings present in the show various absolutely human emotions and experiences. In the large format paintings, all scenes are in dialogue with passages present in Raphael's frescoes. In these works, Camila Elis occupies the space in a fluid way, in which the paints and lines compose structures she calls "soft". There are sunny moments, others more obscure, fleeting and cold. There is also falling in love and its vertigo expressed in subtle layers of colours that swell generating the typical dualities experienced by those in love. In the drawings, based on the decadence of "Candy" and her afternoons of extravagant pleasure followed by cycles of (self)destruction, the artist faces plastically the difficulties of some relationships (re)existing. Moving from initial wonderment to real pains, here the lines are more blunt, and the rarefaction of spots leads to a hardness not seen in the layers executed on linen. The paper and its delicate roughness set the mood for inevitable mismatches." Profa Dr. Bruna Fetter

Por: Galeria de Arte Mamute

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Artworks of this Artist

The afternoon of extravagant delight 6

Camila Elis

R$ 9.000,00

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