
Claudio Cretti

Claudio Cretti is a sculptor, designer, teacher and set designer. In 1981 he studied at the Instituto de Arte e Decoração (Iade) and in 1984 he joined the plastic arts course at the Escola de Belas Artes. His approach to art proposes intermediations between the two-dimensional and the three-dimensional. In the 1990s, between the large reliefs produced by collage of layers of paper covered in pigment and his first sculptures in marble or wood, there is a dialogue established through texture, volume and planar character. The later small reliefs in fibreglass, on the other hand, move between the definition of painting and object. The drawings with oily sticks from the 1990s also dialogue with sculptural production through the density of matter and the structural character of the forms. It is not possible to name exactly the forms that make up his works. Even the titles of the works, many taken from literature, function as an improbable arrangement to define something new; they name not the forms themselves, but the relationships they establish.



Among his recent solo exhibitions are: "Céu Tombado", Paço das Artes, São Paulo as guest artist (2004); "Onde pedra a flora" at Pinacoteca Station, SP (2006) and "Luz de ouvido", Palácio das Artes, Belo Horizonte (2008), Coisa Livre de Coisa , Galeria Marilia Razuk, São Paulo (2011); Pandora, site specific at Palácio das Artes, São Paulo (2013); A Pino, performance at Redbull Station, São Paulo (2014),"Mesa Posta", curated by Paula Borghi, Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade (2016),"Acaso a Coisa a Casa", curated by Ana Cândida de Avelar, Casa Niemeyer, Brasília (2018). 


He participated in group shows at the Tomie Ohtake Institute, MAM SP, Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, among others. In 2004, TV Cultura and the SESI-SENAC network made a documentary about his production for the series "The World of Art" . In 2009, at the invitation of the Gallery Marilia Razuk, conceives and holds the group exhibition "Desenhar Lugares". In the same year produces the publication "José Antonio da Silva" aimed at the children's audience, about the work of this artist. In 2011 he curated the exhibition "Assim é, se lhe parece" at Paço das Artes, São Paulo. In 2013 the publisher WF Martins Fontes launches the book "Claudio Cretti", a critical selection of the artist's work.


Por: Galeria Marília Razuk

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Claudio Cretti

R$ 5.500,00

S/ Título, série bombinhas

Claudio Cretti

R$ 17.500,00

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