
Fatima Neves

Fátima Neves/1954/Teófilo Otoni-MG
Painter, engraver, designer.
In 1972 enters the School of Fine Arts at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte / MG, where she studied painting, drawing, engraving and film, specializing in Oil Painting and standing out since then in salons of arts among them with award in painting at the Salão Pirelli de Arte Jovem, MASP, SP/1983. He started as a landscape designer, with interest in the forests and mountains of Minas, which, even today, makes use of the colours of the mining lands, especially the iron ore
and derivatives.
After finishing the course at UFMG in 1985, he settles in a small atelier where he starts his individual career, focusing on painting, moving from the figurative to a deconstruction of the landscape, thus initiating a long transition but firm in
purpose of establishing a dialogue between the beginning of the process keeping the colours that so often were part of the development of an authorial work confronting with the new shades that were being discovered in the exercise of
several experiments.
In her current atelier, in the surroundings of Nova Lima/MG, she continues her studies and production that has been unfolding over the years, resulting in series of works with various materials such as minerals, marble dust, various papers, among others. Currently, she has been dedicating herself to the studies of small objects in discarded wood, putting into practice the knowledge acquired throughout the years and discovering new possibilities that can establish a dialogue about the three-dimensional x two-dimensional constructivity.

- School of Fine Arts - Federal University of Minas Gerais - Bachelor in Arts
in 1.985 - Habilitation in Painting
Complementary Studies:
- Composition with Amílcar de Castro - Fine Arts School-UFMG
- Paints and Pigments - Fine Arts School-UFMG
- Engraving Workshop - Fine Arts School-UFMG
-Cinema and Photography - Fine Arts School-UFMG
- Update Workshops:
- Installation and urban intervention with Sonia Laboriau-Ouro Preto-MG
-The word and the image with Lígia Pape-RJ
- Materiality and Gestuality -Belo Horizonte MG
-Individual project in painting with Liliane Dardot
-Painting and its Materials with Katie Van Scherpenberger-RJ
-The space and the tempocom Luiz Aquila-RJ
-Development of project in plastic arts with:
Carlos Fajardo-SP
Carmela Gross-SP
Guto Lacaz-SP
Selected Group Exhibitions:

- State Council of Culture Hall - Palace of Arts-BH/MG
- Mokiti Okada Foundation Hall
- São Paulo-SP- III AIAM National Competition-Accademia Internazionale D'Arte
Moderna -Rome-São Paulo-SP
- Brasília Art Museum-Brasília -DF
- "Cor e Luz" - CEMIG Gallery- CEMIG Gallery- Belo Horizonte MG - V Victor Meirelles Hall-Museu Santa Catarina - Contemporary Nucleus-Valu Oria Gallery-São Paulo/SP - Arteformatto Collective- São Paulo/SPBelo Horizonte MG
- V Salão Victor Meirelles-Museu de Santa Catarina
-Núcleos Contemporâneos-Valu Oria Galeria-São Paulo/SP
-Coletivo Arteformatto- São Paulo -SP-2018
-Diálogos-Arteformatto Galeria-SP-2019
- Nosso Norte é o Sul -Galeria Bergamin & Gomide -São Paulo-SP
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- Itaú Galeria -São Paulo-SP
- Galeria Cândido Mendes - Rio de Janeiro-RJ
-Alliance Francesa-Belo Horizonte MG
-Galeria Cidade-Belo Horizonte/MG
-Centro Cultural de Uberaba-Uberaba-MG
-Atelier aberto-Pequenos Formatos-Nova Lima/MG
Main Awards:
- Pirelli Youth Art Award- MASP- São Paulo - SP
- USIMINAS-Belo Horizonte-Ipatinga -MG
- III National Biennial of Santos-Santos-SP
- Brasília Fine Arts Award-Brasília-DF/Rio de Janeiro
-Painting Award-School of Fine Arts-UFMG-MG
Nova Lima ,June 2021

Por: Galeria Lica Pedrosa

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Branco de Assis 23A

Fatima Neves

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