
Ione Reis

Ione Reis (1997) was born in the city of Itabatã in the extreme south of Bahia. She began to get involved and interested in art through cultural projects at the public school she attended during high school. Presenting a poetics linked to the figure of the black body, its memories, expressions and cultures, she aims to re-signify the stereotypical and marginalized image of black people, contesting the types of invisibilization that permeated them during and after the African diaspora. For this, the artist uses subjective references, of an Afro-indigenous ancestry. As memories of her own childhood, of the stories told by her/his relatives and of the perceptions of her/his daily life. These aspects are evidenced through portraits that highlight the expressions and looks of these people represented, in the colours: yellow, brown and red, and the textures present in her works that allow a contemplation of the organic forms of the paints and other materials used. Graduated in Plastic Arts - Bachelor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes); researcher at LitERÊtura - Group of studies and research in ethno-racial diversity, children's literature and other cultural products for childhoods; capoeirista in the Beribazu Group - UFES, member of the collective of black artists, Pretas inCorporações and the National movement TROVOA.

Por: Nacional Trovoa

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Artworks of this Artist

My bare feet

Ione Reis

R$ 3.000,00


Ione Reis

R$ 3.000,00

I see everything

Ione Reis

R$ 4.400,00

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Artsoul Comunicação Digital LTDA | CNPJ: 29.752.781/0001-52

Escritório: Rua Quatá, 845 - Sala 2, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, SP, 04546-044