
Rodolfo Crespi

About the Artist Rodolfo Crespi

Since the beginning, due to the environment in which I have been inserted, I have always been fascinated by the paradox between nature and the contemporary, the urban, the technological. Not because of the antagonism between these phenomena, but exactly because of their points of intersection. It was in the routine of daily life and the mundanity of everyday life of our times that I saw how nature and science can converge.

I, like most people in our society, used to spend most of my time sitting down, producing the same thing every day. From the moment I sought contact with nature, with my spirituality and with the energy of the universe, I realized how essential these manifestations are for a progress that really elevates us, instead of making us hostages.

I think it is essential that our soul is fully present as we search for answers and try to develop the world. After all, often those answers will not be found in reason. And even when it is in reason, nature and spirituality become even more important, because they are the phenomena that remind us where we came from and where we should go. We must experience nature in a pure state, but we also need to experience it as a crucial part of the transitions of the world shaped by human labour.
Getting to know our mind, body and surrounding environment, whether through age-old techniques like yoga, art and meditation, or through the scientific and technological advances of more recent times, is the most important step towards a spiritually active and elevated life. ''

From Sadhguru to Einstein; from Renaissance to Tesla. Those that seem so extreme and distant, deep down, are complementary sources of wisdom that, when put together, allow me an artistic expression that reflects more broadly how I want to translate our paradoxical condition as part of our nature.

Por: Pie Galeria

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Artworks of this Artist

Duality | Heart

Rodolfo Crespi

R$ 35.000,00


Rodolfo Crespi

R$ 32.500,00

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Artsoul Comunicação Digital LTDA | CNPJ: 29.752.781/0001-52

Escritório: Rua Quatá, 845 - Sala 2, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, SP, 04546-044