Zipper Gallery Zipper Gallery

Zipper Gallery

Opened in 2010, the Zipper Galeria established itself initially with a focus on the production of emerging artists from the Brazilian and Latin American scene, proposing an opening to new discourses of contemporary art. Signed by the architect Marcelo Rosenbaum, the architectural design was thought to create a welcoming environment, approaching its public. The exhibitions are often organized by guest curators, who usually participate in meetings and conversations open to the public. In recent years, several names of the contemporary scene have also been launched in programs such as Zip'Up, a project created in 2011, and the Artists without Gallery Salon, held at Zipper since 2012 - both aimed at artists not yet inserted in the commercial circuit of São Paulo. Another mission of the gallery is the formation of a new public, both young collectors and people interested in the art world. Recently, the Zipper has also begun to look at experimental production in new media from the 1980s and 1990s, names that have influenced a more recent production on the Brazilian and Latin American scene, including Argentinean Graciela Sacco and Brazilian Mario Ramiro, who have joined the gallery's team. Zipper was conceived by Fabio Cimino, who began his career in the Brazilian art market in 1983 working with the gallery owner Raquel Arnaud, and since then has worked as an art advisor and dealer. He was the founder of the Brito Cimino gallery, which ran from 1997 to 2008, responsible for launching and consolidating several names of modern and contemporary art on the international scene. Since 2012, Zipper is also run by Lucas Cimino, who also participated in the conception of the gallery's initial project.

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Artworks from this gallery

Instalação revoada, Balão #1 / Vermelho

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 14.000,00

Instalação revoada, Balão #2 / Amarelo

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 14.000,00

Instalação revoada, Balão #3 / Verde

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 14.000,00

Instalação revoada, Balão #4 / Azul

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 14.000,00

Faculdade de Direito do Largo de São Francisco #1, 1827

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Real Gabinete Português de Leitura #5, 1837

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Palacio de Santoña #1, 1730, Madrid

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Palacio de Fernan Nuñez #3, 1847, Madrid

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro #1, 1808

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro #3, 1808

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Parque Henrique Lage #2, 1957

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Teatro Colón, Bogotá, Colombia, 1892 #2

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Teatro Colón, Bogotá, Colombia, 1892 #1

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Teatro Copacabana Palace, 1950 #1

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Palacio de Santoña, 1730 #3

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Diana Gallery, Château de Fontainebleau #1, 1137

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Liceu Opera Barcelona, 1847, Espanha #1

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Liceu Opera Barcelona, 1847, Espanha #2

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Torre Eiffel, 1889 #1

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Engenho de Piracicaba, 1881

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Château de Fontainebleau #2, 1137

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Salão dos Embaixadores/ Palácio de Linares #1, 1873

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Château de Fontainebleau, 1137 (fachada), France

Flávia Junqueira

On Request

Série Magic Carnivals #2 Cavalo #5

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 16.000,00

Série Magic Carnivals #2 Cavalo #4

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 16.000,00

Série Magic Carnivals #2 Cavalo #3

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 16.000,00

Série Magic Carnivals #2 Tigre

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 16.000,00

Série Magic Carnivals #2 Elefante

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 16.000,00

Série Magic Carnivals #2 Leão

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 16.000,00

Série Magic Carnivals #2 Cavalo #2

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 16.000,00

Série Magic Carnivals #2 Camelo

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 16.000,00

Série Magic Carnivals #2 Cavalo Florido

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 16.000,00

À deriva

Giovani Caramello

On Request

Violino dependurado

Camille Kachani

On Request

Tectônica n°4, Médio Formato

Matias Mesquita

On Request

No (Series Folds)

Celina Portella

R$ 20.000,00

Ciclotrama 275 (cluster)

Janaina Mello Landini

On Request

Tiger #1

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 5.000,00

Giraffe #1

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 5.000,00

Elefante #1

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 5.000,00

Horse #1

Flávia Junqueira

R$ 5.000,00

From the series Plasters

André Penteado

On Request

Good morning, BB!

Igor Nunes

On Request

Faith in God and children

Igor Nunes

On Request


Rodrigo Cunha

On Request

Coffee and Cigarettes

Rodrigo Cunha

On Request

Esmeralda, Meditation Series

Adriana Duque

On Request


Monica Piloni

On Request

Succubus, The beginning

Monica Piloni

On Request

Usina de Cores - Iceland (Híper! series)

Marcelo Tinoco

On Request

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Artsoul Comunicação Digital LTDA | CNPJ: 29.752.781/0001-52

Escritório: Rua Quatá, 845 - Sala 2, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, SP, 04546-044