

Bromélias de Paraty

Total Value

R$ 1.400,00

no PIX e boleto ou em até 12x de R$ 116,66

Technical Data Sheet

Year: 2020




Figurativo Contemporâneo Clássico



Measurements (H/L/L/P):

50 cm 40 cm


Obra realizada em carvão e cera de abelha sobre painel telado

Interesting story about this 22-screen series called "Meanwhile, Out There".

In the middle of the pandemic, I started an online course with Sérgio Fingermann, in which we had to create 15 to 20 canvases, simultaneously. The theme did not matter, only the production of all of them at the same time. In the meantime, I was taking a car trip with my husband because we could no longer stand being locked up in our flat in São Paulo.

We started in Três Corações and then Pompéu. We went to Brumadinho and then Tiradentes, all in Minas Gerais. From there we went to Ilha Grande, sailed through Angra dos Reis and then Paraty, all in Rio de Janeiro. We closed with Almada Beach, Ubatuba.

During all these wanderings, I photographed and drew a lot... After about 40 days, already at home, renewed and inspired, from my travel records, came the series in charcoal.

For more


Bromélias de Paraty Bromélias de Paraty
See also

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