

O Saveiro Descansa (From the Haiku series)

Total Value

R$ 3.000,00

no PIX e boleto ou em até 12x de R$ 250,00

Technical Data Sheet

Year: 2017




Expressionista Contemporâneo Paisagem Natureza



Measurements (H/L/L/P):

69 cm 54 cm


Woodcut in 3 colours, four-color, 69x54,5cm (paper, 61x49,5cm (image), Wenzou paper 40g/m2, P.A., 2017 The work belongs to a series of 3, this one and two more in larger format, the title of the three form a poem that I pretentiously call Haicai: "entardecer se o vento é forte o saveiro descansa" Despite relying on this connection, in my view, the works also behave well on their own. The three are born together in a late afternoon on the beach of the village of Barrinha - CE, they arise from a drawing notebook, dirty with sand and from an attempt to draw a capsized boat, (I wrote it down next to a series of pencil drawings: perspective study) and from a few photographs. The notebooks of drawings and watercolours have been my travelling companions for some time, they give me a time to register the landscapes different from those made by photographs or videos, which I also make, later, already in the studio, I have the habit of using some of these registers for the production of engravings as a way to revive the experiences and reactivate the memories. The prints follow a research that I have been doing since 2009 with reproduction of photographs in woodcut with linear screens, in the case of this print was made from a single photograph reproduced in four colours, ie using four matrices, one for each basic colour of graphics: cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y) and black (K). The matrices are made of plywood and the engraving follows the direction of the wood grain.

For more


O Saveiro Descansa (From the Haiku series) O Saveiro Descansa (From the Haiku series)
See also

Mais Obras de Pedro Pessoa

O Saveiro Descansa (From the Haiku series)

Pedro Pessoa

R$ 3.000,00

If the Wind is Strong (from the Haiku series)

Pedro Pessoa

R$ 3.000,00

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