The series RED by artist Ricardo Takamura, presents us with a series of six photographs that propose a contemporary dialogue on the human presence and its influence on the natural landscape.
Takamura makes use of the potencies of the colour red in his nocturnal images: the colour as presence; as passage; as mutation; a warning as the wound; as an emanation of a traveller's loneliness on a distant, devastated planet.
On the other hand, the night sky presents us with the cosmos and makes us reflect on our origin, possibilities, permanence, our artificiality, daydreams, fictional and factual nuances. In these conflicts the artist emerges on a character with vertical gazes, aware that he inhabits retransformed landscapes. The interlocutor can perceive that Ricardo Takamura presents several points of contact that in a previous moment seemed dispersed.
It is in this critical and transformative engagement that we trace a trajectory rebounding on ourselves.
Técnica: Impressão elaborada no papel Photo Rag gramatura 308, da marca Hahnemühle, com pigmentos Ultrachrome HDR, moldura produzida com madeira de reflorestamento e material reciclável proveniente de garrafas PET, da marca Moldurarte
Tamanhos disponíveis: 90x60 - 120x80 - 150x100
Série limitada (com um total de 10 fotografias), assinada e entregue junto com um certificado de autenticidade emitida pelo artista.
Técnica: Impressão com tinta de pigmento mineral em acetato, com montagem em backlight.
Tamanhos disponíveis: 120x80 - 150x100
Série limitada (com um total de 5 fotografias), assinada e entregue junto com um certificado de autenticidade emitida pelo artista.
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