
Biba Rigo

Biba Rigo São Paulo, 1972 Formation Popular Education -PUC-SP Painting- Juan Balzi Xylography - Coringa Space Contemporary art in education - Tomie Otake Institute History of Contemporary Art - Agnaldo Faria- The boat A school for All- Jorge Larrossa- Instituto Mais Diferenças Exhibitions: Ocupação- Paço das Artes- 2005 Território SP- Bienal de Havana-2006 Exhibition of the Coringa collection, 2007 Biba Rigo and Egídio Rossi - Violeta Parra Festival - ITA- 2008 Paisagens Gráficas- Museu do Horto- 2009 Armazém - 15 visões- Ateliê Funilaria e Pintura-2009 Expedição L'Octroi-Tours- France-2010 Travessia- Museu Simon Bolívar- Havana- CU- 2010 Volumen Cuba- Casa Wilfredo Lam- Havana- CU- 2010 Correspondências-Biba Rigo Circuito SESC de Artes-2010 Grafa- SP Estampa-2011 Loja de Inconveniências- Galeria Mezanino-2012 From 2013 to 1017 dedicated to curating and managing the art space Casa de Tijolo Meninos de Arte- Instituto Cervantes- at the invitation of Painter Juan Balzi- 2016 Barrer Todo con Agua- Instituto superior de Artes-Havana- CU- 2016 Sobre Homens e Ratos- Aura Galeria-2017 Interioranidades- Museu de Pindamonhangaba, 2018 Experiences with Education Artist educator in the Project Bienal Ambulante-28th.Bienal de SP Conducts art workshops in Museums, SESCs and related entities Arts supervisor at CAPS - Centro de pesquisa Psicossocial-Itapeva Visual arts groups supervisor at the Instituto de desenvolvimento e pesquisa da saúde mental- A Casa Residências Resident at Atelê Espaço Coringa - 2003 a 2007 Artistic residency L' Otroi at atelie Mode D'Emploi - Tours- França -2010 Artistic residency at Taller Experimental de Gráfica de La Habana-2010 Artistic residency at Instituto Superior de Arte de Havana-2016 Other activities . Worked as an assistant to Artist Monica Nador. Idealized and developed collaborative work for the ambiance of the feminist library Cora Coralina Idealized and managed the independent space Casa de Tijolo. 

Por: Galeria Gravura Brasileira

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Artworks of this Artist


Biba Rigo

R$ 2.000,00

Woman with flowers and Woman with knives

Biba Rigo

R$ 3.500,00

Man and Man Deconstructed

Biba Rigo

R$ 2.000,00


Biba Rigo

R$ 2.500,00

Woman in the Tree

Biba Rigo

R$ 2.000,00

Worlds 2

Biba Rigo

R$ 3.500,00

Worlds 1

Biba Rigo

R$ 3.500,00

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