
Lygia Eluf

Lygia Eluf Full Professor in the area of drawing (2012), from the State University of Campinas, where she works since 1990 in the area of Visual Arts, with emphasis on drawing, working mainly in the following areas: two-dimensional representation (drawing, engraving, painting), contemporary artistic production and research in art.Graduation in Plastic Arts (1982), Master in Arts - Visual Poetics (1992) and PhD in Arts - Visual Poetics (1998) from the University of São Paulo. She created the Engraving Research Center at Unicamp in 1997, where she works as a consultant. She is accredited and works in the Visual Poetics area, in the post-graduation program in Arts at the Institute of Arts at Unicamp. She receives a research productivity scholarship from CNPq (2011-2014/2014-2017). Received the Jaboti award in 2009 with the collection Cadernos de Desenho. Develops since 1980 personal artistic project in drawing, engraving and painting participating in exhibitions in Brazil and abroad and works in the organization of artistic events and curatorship. Education / Qualifications ________________________________________ 1995 - 1998 Doctorate in Arts (Conceito CAPES 4). University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil. Title: color-structure: the fields of colour, Year of obtention: 1998. Advisor: Regina Scalzilli Silveira. Scholarship from: Capes Cnpq, CAPES/CNPQ, Brazil. Keywords: Color-Structure; Plastic Arts; Geometric Constructivism; Minimalism; Painting; Drawing. Field: Linguistics, Letters and Arts Wide Area: Linguistics, Letters and Arts / Area: Arts / Subarea: Visual Arts / Specialty: Drawing. Major Field: Linguistics, Letters and Arts / Area: Arts / Subarea: Visual Arts / Specialty: Engraving. Activity Sectors: Recreational, Cultural, Artistic and Sporting Products and Services. 1987 - 1992 Master of Arts (Concept CAPES 4). University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil. Title: from structure to secret alterations,Year of Obtainment: 1992. Advisor: Regina Scalzilli Silveira. Scholarship from: Capes Cnpq, CAPES/CNPQ, Brazil. Keywords: Geometric Structures; Art and Structure; Drawing; Engraving; Golden Ratio; Fine Arts. Field: Linguistics, Letters and Arts Large Area: Linguistics, Letters and Arts / Area: Arts / Subarea: Fine Arts / Specialty: Drawing. Major Field: Linguistics, Letters and Arts / Area: Arts / Subarea: Visual Arts. Activity Sectors: Recreational, Cultural, Artistic and Sporting Products and Services. 1979 - 1982 Graduation in Plastic Arts. University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil. Title: Cemitério Marinho. Advisor: Evandro Carlos Jardim. Habilitation ________________________________________ 2004 Habilitation. State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil. Title: Representation of space: the construction of landscape, Year of obtention: 2004. Keywords: Drawing; Painting; Color; Representation of space; Landscape. Field: Linguistics, Letters and Arts Large Area: Linguistics, Letters and Arts / Area: Arts / Subarea: Visual Arts / Specialty: Color. Major Field: Linguistics, Letters and Arts / Area: Arts / Subarea: Visual Arts / Specialty: Painting. Activity Sectors: Higher Education; Recreational, Cultural, Artistic and Sporting Products and Services. Supplementary Education ________________________________________ 1997 - 1997 Michelangelo and the poetics of the sixteenth century. São Paulo Museum of Art Assis Chateaubriand, MASP, Brazil. 1996 - 1996 Extension course in Aesthetic Formulation in Symbolic Production. School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo, ECA/USP, Brazil. 1995 - 1995 University Extension Course in Advanced Printmaking: lithography and serigraphy. University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil. 1994 - 1994 University Extension Course in Advanced Printmaking: wood engraving and metal engraving. University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil.

Por: Galeria Gravura Brasileira

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Lygia Eluf

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Lygia Eluf

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Lygia Eluf

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Lygia Eluf

R$ 1.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 1.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 1.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 1.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 1.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 1.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 1.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 1.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 1.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 1.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 1.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 1.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 2.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 2.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 2.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 3.000,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 3.000,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 3.000,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 3.000,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 3.000,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 9.500,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 3.000,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 3.000,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 3.000,00


Lygia Eluf

R$ 3.000,00

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