
Maria Villares

MARIA VILLARES 1940, São Paulo - SP Training in drawing, painting, engraving and ceramics. Main solo exhibitions 2019 Maria Villares - Weaving time. Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin, São Paulo (curated by Luiz Bagolin and Fabrício Reiner). 2018 Provisional Scenario. Espaço Nexus, São Paulo. (curated by Ana Angélica Albano). Nexus Series. Espaço Nexus, São Paulo, Brazil (curated by Ana Angélica Albano). 2017 Maria Villares - drawings and paintings. Espaço Nexus, São Paulo, Brazil (curated by Ana Angélica Albano). 2015 Inauguration Espaço Nexus with paintings by Maria Villares. Espaço Nexus, São Paulo, Brazil (curated by Roseli Nakagawa). Entre Nós - lithographs and watercolors. Graphias Casa da Gravura, São Paulo, Brazil, (curator Vera d'Horta) 2008 Maria Villares - paintings, monotypes and objects. Berenice Arvani Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil, (curator Maria Alice Milliet) 2006 Encontros, etchings and watercolors. Gravura Brasileira, São Paulo, Brazil (simultaneous individual exhibition) 2004 Maria Villares on paper. Graça Landeira Art Gallery, Belém, Brazil, (curated by UNAMA) 2001 Papers: 1998-2001. Nara Roesler Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil, (curator Margarida Sant'Anna) Much Beyond the Apple. Hall of the State Secretary of Culture, Curitiba. 1999 Beyond the Apple. Galeria Nara Roesler, São Paulo, Brazil, (curator Maria Alice Milliet). 1997 Maria Villares - paintings. Brazilian - American Cultural Institute, Washington D.C. 1995 Skewers with History. Paço Municipal, Santo André, Brazil. 1994 Maria Villares. Nara Roesler Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil. Latest group exhibitions 2019 VIII International Biennale of Contemporary Textile Art WTA, Madrid. Tramares, Un recorte del têxtil brasileño, Centro Cultural Casa do Brasil, Madrid. 4th Global Print, Douro region. 2018 Graphias fifteen years. Graphias Casa da Gravura, São Paulo. 9th International Printmaking Biennial - Douro 2018, Douro. 2017 MADE, Art and Design Market, represented by Casa Contemporânea, São Paulo Biennial, São Paulo. 3rd Global Print, Douro region. 46th Chapel Art Show. Maria Imaculada College, São Paulo. Territorien / Territories - Culture Bridge. AEG Cultural Space, Nuremberg (curator Ana Cristina Mendes). APAP 35 years. Museum of Contemporary Art, Campinas. APAP 35 years. Mackenzie Historical and Cultural Center, São Paulo. Tracks - Culture Bridge. Espaço Nexus, São Paulo, Brazil (curator Luciana Eloy) So Close, So Far Away. Casa Contemporânea, São Paulo, Brazil (curated by Ana Angélica Albano). 2016 APAP 35 years. Marta Traba Gallery, Latin America Memorial, São Paulo, Brazil. Image & Haiku. Paulo Setubal Historical Museum, Tatuí, Brazil. APAP 35 years. Benedicto Calixto Pinacoteca, Santos. Project 15 X 15 APAP/UNESP. UNESP Cultural Space, São Paulo. 2015 45th Chapel Art Show. Maria Imaculada College, São Paulo. Florence Biennial. Contemporary Art. Florence. Image & Haiku. Latin America Memorial Library, São Paulo. Special Projects 2003 Panel at the West Tower Atrium of the Centro Empresarial Nações Unidas CENU, São Paulo. 1998 Mural painting on the facade of the Tropical Planalto Hotel building. Pro-Center Project, Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo. Av. Casper Líbero, 117, São Paulo. 1997 But is this Fashion? Senses of Dressing in the Contemporary World. Screenplay for video by Cristiane Mesquita. 1992 Uirapuru Trophy. Project and execution for the Chamber Music competitions of the Santa Marcelina College, São Paulo. Works in Collections Iberê Camargo Foundation, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Salvador Allende Solidarity Museum, Santiago, Chile. Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, USA. Fine Arts School Library of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Itaú Cultural Center, São Paulo, Brazil. United Nations Business Center CENU, Panel in the Atrium of the West Tower, São Paulo, Brazil. Mário de Andrade Municipal Library, São Paulo, Brazil AfroBrasil Museum, São Paulo, Brazil. Museum of Modern Art, São Paulo, Brazil. Pinacoteca do Estado, São Paulo, Brazil. Municipal Collection, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil Museum of Contemporary Art, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. City of Curitiba Print Museum, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. Federal University of Pará Museum, Belém, PA, Brazil Contemporary Art Museum of the Dragão do Mar Center, Fortaleza, CE Brazilian-American Cultural Institute, Washington DC, USA Kobe Museum, Japan. CBK Zuidoost Art Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Por: Galeria Gravura Brasileira

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Maria Villares

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Maria Villares

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Maria Villares

R$ 2.800,00


Maria Villares

R$ 2.800,00


Maria Villares

R$ 2.800,00


Maria Villares

R$ 2.800,00


Maria Villares

R$ 2.800,00


Maria Villares

R$ 5.500,00


Maria Villares

R$ 5.500,00


Maria Villares

R$ 5.500,00


Maria Villares

R$ 5.500,00

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Escritório: Rua Quatá, 845 - Sala 2, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, SP, 04546-044