
Paulo Camillo Penna

Born in São Paulo in 1970, Paulo Camillo Penna lives and works in São Paulo. He has a doctorate in arts from the University of São Paulo. He did postgraduate studies at the Byam Shaw School of Arts in London. Since 2006, he has coordinated the Printmaking Studio at the Lasar Segall Museum. He is the owner, with Adalgisa Campos, of Casateliê, an independent space for the production, teaching and sale of art in São Paulo. The most recent individual exhibitions were "Desenho, fluxo, imagem" at Oficinas Culturais Oswald de Andrade, "A Senhoria" at the showcase of Lasar Segall Museum at Metrô Santa Cruz - SP, "Hora Absurda" at Gravura Brasileira - SP, "A que se destina", at Centro Universitário Maria Antonia - SP and "Figuren aus Brasilien" at Galerie Wildeshausen - Wildeshausen, Germany. Regularly participates in group exhibitions, among them "Xilo, Body and Landscape" - SESC Guarulhos and SESC Pinheiros, "Gravura Extrema - Europalia Brasil" - Le Centre de la Gravure et de l'Image Imprimée - La Louvière, Belgium; "Gravadores Brasileiros Contemporâneos", traveling exhibition at Hillyer Art Space Washington, USA; Fundacion Sebastian and Instituto de Artes Gráficas de Oaxaca, Mexico; "V ème Biennale Internationale de la Gravure D'Ile de France", Versailles, France; "Impressões" - Santander Cultural de Porto Alegre and "Do Cordel à Galeria" - Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand. He has carried out public art projects, including "Projeto Pélago" and "Projeto Tamanduateí" in the city of São Paulo. He has works in private and public collections, such as Pinacoteca o Estado de São Paulo; Museu de Arte Brasileira, SP and Museu de Arte Contemporânea Dragão do Mar, Fortaleza.

Por: Galeria Gravura Brasileira

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Artworks of this Artist

Portfolio Absurd Hour

Paulo Camillo Penna

R$ 15.000,00

Night flight

Paulo Camillo Penna

R$ 2.500,00


Paulo Camillo Penna

R$ 3.500,00

On the wagon, on the river, in the wilderness

Paulo Camillo Penna

R$ 3.500,00

Window, Mirror

Paulo Camillo Penna

R$ 3.500,00

Horizonte Ship

Paulo Camillo Penna

R$ 4.500,00

Through 4

Paulo Camillo Penna

R$ 6.500,00

Under the tree, a dream 2

Paulo Camillo Penna

R$ 6.500,00


Paulo Camillo Penna

R$ 3.500,00

Ship of the Insensate, Structures

Paulo Camillo Penna

R$ 4.500,00

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