Rafael Santana da Costa, nascido e criado na periferia da cidade de São Paulo, se formou Bacharel em design de moda pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi e posteriormente cursou artes visuais na FAAP. Participou de cursos livres no MAM-SP, Escola Panamericana, London University of the Arts e no grupo de acompanhamento Hermes Artes Visuais. Atualmente possui ateliê no coletivo Massapê Projetos
He develops works that assimilate and resignify their surroundings, proposing a closer look at everyday materials, details of daily life and how they reflect the social conditions of the place. What is seen beyond, are the intrinsic issues of each media reflected through paradoxically united elements, so that in this way they can reinforce their tensions and particularities.
- 2021 - Seleção10 Anos - YGB, São Paulo
- 2016 - Over Witty - Espaço Qualcasa, São Paulo
- 2022 - 14th Bunkyo Grand Art Exhibition, São Paulo
- 2021 - 26th Vinhedo Art Salon.
- 2020 - 18˚ MARP Exhibition Programme, Ribeirão Preto
- 2019 - Help yourself to what you want - UFES Art and Research Gallery, Espírito Santo State
- 2018 - 46˚ Santo André Art Salon, Santo André
- 2017 - Red Scream - Municipal Theatre, São Paulo
- 2016 - 1˚ Contemporary art programme - James Gallery, Trancoso, Bahia
- 2015 - 13˚ MARP exhibition programme, Ribeirão Preto
- 2014 - Art Londrina 3 - Department of Plastic Arts of the UEL, Londrina
- 2013 - Itinerancy 44th Annual FAAP Arts, São Carlos and Ribeirão Preto
- 2012 - Code +55 Brazilian Art Now, Hong Kong
- 2011 - 43rd FAAP Arts Annual, São Paulo
- 2022 - Projeto comissionado, 'Na Varanda' - Casa de Cultura do Parque
- 2022 - Menção Honrosa, 14ª Grande Exposição de Arte Bunkyo, SP
- 2019 - W residence, Ribeirão Preto 2018 - Lava Project - Fonte Residence, SP
- 2018 - Acquisition Prize - 46th Santo André Arts Salon, Santo André
- 2014 - Gold medal in sculpture 22nd Mococa Art Salon
- 2012 - Acquisition Prize of the 43˚ Annual Arts Award of Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP), SP