
Mary Carmen Matias

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My thoughts

The complexity of the human being and its manifestations have always intrigued me and have been part of my life. Reflection on interactions, behaviours and feelings have marked my way of being and acting.

In art I have found, through sculpture and painting, a way to express my feelings, values and observations. In my work I try to analyse some humanistic themes that surround us, such as freedom, family and relationships.

As a form of expression, I seek to overcome the challenge between the hardness and rigidity of the materials, and my desire to transmit sensitivity and lightness.

In my sculpture or painting, the challenge is always the same: to bring warmth to the coldness of the material, occupying the space with forms that translate feeling and poetry.

Profile and training

Mary Carmen Matias has a humanistic education. She lives and works in São Paulo. She began her relationship with art by valuing different forms of manifestation, showing a strong aesthetic sense and determination to learn, which motivated her search for courses in art history and deepening in the work of some outstanding artists.

Began his strong involvement with the sculpture, with classes, guidance and interaction with renowned sculptors from 2005. It was during this phase of learning techniques that he presented his works for the first time, dedicating himself fully to art from 2008. His development has the strong incentive of Caciporé Torres and Nicolas Vlavianos who oriented the beginning of his career. 

Mary Carmen began to exhibit her work in exhibitions in Brazil and abroad, which showed her artistic quality through the receptivity she received. At the same time as she continues her journey of deepening and immersing herself in sculpture, with the consolidation of her personal style, the artist challenges herself again by getting involved in painting, with classes and guidance from Dudi Maia Rosa, Deborah Paiva, Marco Giannotti and Paulo Pasta.

The artist surprises by the way she expresses herself using different materials and creating varied forms. Her works convince by their consistency and quality and translate a fine sensitivity, showing a personal and distinctive style.


  • Silver Medal at the 32nd Eugênio Bassi Art Salon of ACSP Pinheiros
  • Bronze Medal at the 29th ACSP Pinheiros Art Saloon
  • Silver Medal at the 24th ACSP Pinheiros Art Saloon
  • Honourable Mention at the 23rd ACSP Pinheiros Art Salon
  • Third place XXIV Granja Viana Art Exhibition - Brazilian British Centre

Individual Exhibitions

  • 2022: O Caminho das Pedras” – Instituto Cervantes – 07 a 23 de dezembro; “Os Caminhos da Forma” – Museu da Imagem e do Som (MIS) – 08 a 22 de junho; “Pequenos Formatos” - Club Athletico Paulistano - 23 de março a 03 de abril.
  • 2021: "Poetry in Metal " - Instituto Cervantes Online - 17th May to 17th June.
  • 2018: "Símiles " - Instituto Cervantes - October 5th to 27th
  • 2017: "Expansion of Space" - Espaço Cultural Taubaté Shopping - December 06, 2017 to January 3, 2018; "Modulations " - Exhibition Space of SESI-SP - February 02 to March 26. Curated by Denise Mattar.
  • 2015: "Infinite. The Dance of Forms" - Espaço Cultural Taubaté Shopping - August 25 to September 28.
  • 2011: "Mary Carmen and the poetics of volumes" - Espaço Cultural Citi - August 15 to September 30. Curated by the critic Jacob Klintowitz.
  • 2010: "Reflections. The paths of form" - 10 to 21 February - Club Athletico Paulistano. Curated by the critic Jacob Klintowitz.

Group Exhibitions

  • 2022: Centro Brasileiro Britânico (CBB) - 14 a 25 de setembro; Arte En Femenino - Artistas Hispanoamericanas - Instituto Cervantes Online - 08 de março de 2022 a 08 de abril de 2022.
  • 2021: Large Formats - Artsoul Online - May 25, 2021 to May 31, 2021.
  • 2020: Three-dimensionality and the Environment - Pinhieors Sports Club - 18 January 2020 to 17 February 2021.
  • 2019: 32ACSP Pinheiros Art Show - São Paulo State Legislative Assembly - 11 to 19 December.
  • 2018: "XXXII Granja Viana Art Show" - Brazilian British Centre - 24 August to 16 September; "São Paulo in Colours" - Casa de Portugal - 25 January to 23 February.
  • 2017: Contrasts - Mary Carmen Matias and Gisele Ulisse - Esporte Clube Pinheiros - 11 to 29 November; XXXI Granja Viana Art Show - Brazilian British Centre - 12 to 25 September; 11th Bunkyo Great Art Exhibition - Brazilian Society of Japanese Culture - 21 to 29 October.
  • 2016: 29th ACSP Pinheiros Art Salon - São Paulo State Legislative Assembly - 25 October to 05 November; XXXIV Salão de Artes Plásticas de Rio Claro - 18 June to 31 July.
  • 2015: 9th Bunkyo Great Art Exhibition - Brazilian Society of Japanese Culture - 11 to 18 October; XXIX Granja Viana Art Show - Brazilian British Centre - 20 August to 10 September; XXXIII Rio Claro Fine Arts Salon - 28 June to 26 July; O Plural na Arte - Espacio Uruguay do Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay - June 16th to July 10th; 3º Salão de Outono da América Latina - Memorial da América Latina (Marta Traba Gallery) - May 7th to 31st; No Vermelho - Shopping Taubaté - March 5th to 31st.
  • 2014: XXVIII Granja Viana Art Show - Brazilian British Centre - 26 July to 17 August; No Vermelho - Espaço Cultural Taboão - 14 to 29 June.
  • 2013: No Vermelho - Continental Cultural Space - 16 to 29 November; XXVII Granja Viana Art Show - Brazilian British Centre - 17 August to 15 September; Casa Cor - Jockey Club de São Paulo - 28 May to 21 July; Exhibition Generations - Mary Carmen Matias and Margarita Farré - Polo Cultural Boulevard das Artes - Tatuapé Cultural Space - 04 to 31 March.
  • 2012: 25th Pinheiros Art Show - Conjunto Nacional - 05 to 11 November; Profile Exhibition with artists Mary Carmen Matias and Margarita Farré - Club Athletico Paulistano - 19 to 30 September; XXVI Granja Viana Art Show - Centro Brasileiro Britânico - 23 June to 28 July; Casa Cor - Jockey Club de São Paulo - 29 May to 22 July.
  • 2011: 24th ACSP Pinheiros Art Show - Centro Cultural Rebouças - 01 to 06 November; XXV Granja Viana Art Show - 11 to 28 August - Cultura Inglesa Building - Centro Brasileiro Britânico; PANORAMA INICIAL - Projeto Art+ - Espaço Cultural Condomínio Planalto - 17 March to 10 April; Latin America Memorial - "Hand of America - Tribute to Oscar Niemeyer" 11 January to 12 February.
  • 2010: Art+ Project "44 invited artists" - December 17 to January 09, 2011; MuBE - Brazilian Sculpture Museum - "Manifestações V Hibridismo" - December 18 to January 09, 2011; 23rd ACSP Pinheiros Art Show - Rebouças Cultural Centre - November 11 to 15; Exhibition "Ritmos y Colores del Brasil" - September 16, at Casa do Brasil - Cultural Center in Madrid / Spain; XXIV Granja Viana Art Exhibition - Brazilian British Center - July 22 to August 22; Spazio Surreale Gallery with the Sculptors Group of MuBE - GEM, March 18 to 30.
  • 2007-2009: MuBE-Brazilian Sculpture Museum (2009); 22nd ACSP Pinheiros Art Salon (2009); Mali Villas-Bôas Gallery - "From Prehistory to Pre-Salt" (2009); MuBE-Brazilian Sculpture Museum (2008); Mali Villas-Bôas Gallery - "Visual clippings and four artists" (2008); Mackenzie University in exhibition oriented by Caciporé Torres (2007).


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Por: Mary Carmen Matias

Galleries Representatives

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Artworks of this Artist

Abstractions M22-2020

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 8.000,00

Abstrações M24-2021

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 10.000,00

Abstrações M25-2021

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 10.000,00

Abstractions M26-2021

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 10.000,00

Abstractions M11-2018

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 10.000,00

Abstrações M16-2019

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 8.000,00

Abstractions M17-2019

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 12.000,00

Abstractions M18-2019

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 8.000,00

Abstrações T29-2020

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 9.000,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 14.000,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 10.000,00

Abstractions M33-2022

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 7.500,00

Abstractions M34-2022

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 7.500,00

Abstractions M35-2022

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 7.500,00

Abstractions M36-2022

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 7.500,00

Abstractions M37-2022

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 7.500,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 7.860,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 6.400,00

Envolvendo I

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 7.100,00

Envolvendo II

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 7.100,00

Carinho I

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 7.850,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 10.000,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 10.000,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 12.100,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 12.100,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 9.300,00

Um Olhar

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 6.400,00

Um Brilho

Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 6.400,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 12.100,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 8.600,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 13.600,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 11.400,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 8.600,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 10.700,00


Mary Carmen Matias

R$ 8.600,00

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